Procedure to Apply for a Mooring
1. (a) Complete the online application form, or
(b) Download the application form here and submit it to moorings@portofcork.ie, or
(c) Contact Marine Leisure, Port of Cork Company, on 021 4273125 and request an application form be posted to your address.
2. If applying by post, completed application forms should be returned to “Port of Cork Company, Mooring Section, Custom House Street, Cork.
3. The applicant may apply to lay a mooring in a particular area, eg. Monkstown, however, if the desired location is not available the applicant may request to be placed on a waiting list.
4. The applicant may be offered a location in an alternative area if available but can remain on the waiting list for their preferred area until a location becomes available.
1. The applicant will be given a location in which to lay the mooring. The datum used for latitude and longitude is WGS84. The mooring owner is responsible for maintaining the mooring in the position given.
2. The applicant will be given a Mooring identification number when the application is granted.
3. All equipment used in the mooring assembly is the owner’s sole responsibility.
4. The mooring buoy must be clearly and indelibly marked with the Mooring Identification number.
5. That the length of the mooring shall be such that it will not permit the applicant’s boat to foul adjacent boats.
6. The moorings will be removed at any time if required by the Port of Cork Company (hereinafter called the Company) whereupon any such permission granted to the owner will immediately terminate. The Company will endeavour to allocate an alternative position where possible.
7. That in granting permission to lay a mooring in a specific place, the Company does not give any guarantee as to the suitability or safety of the approved mooring position. It does not accept any responsibility for same.
8. That the owner will indemnify the Company, its servants’ agents or employees against any claim for damages arising directly or indirectly from the granting of this permission to the owner of the mooring.
9. That when the owner has no further use for the said mooring, he/she will surrender this grant of permission to the Company and that he/she will not at any time assign this grant of permission to any other person or Corporation without the written consent of the Company.
10. That the annual mooring fee will be paid prior to the issue of the mooring identification number and thereafter on or before the 31st January or within one calendar month of issuing invoices each year. Annual mooring fees are subject to review by the Company and may be adjusted for time to time.
11. Upon granting of permission and prior to the mooring being laid, the owner of such will be required at the Company offices to complete all required documentation.